Computer Training

Target group and beneficiaries 

  • Members of the CBO (KISCODEP)
  • The youth in Kibera. These are Form Four School leavers and the girl-child who cannot otherwise be absorbed due to lack of computer knowledge.
  • Interested people sponsored by other local organizations and NGOs.
  • Our ECD children (with special toy computers donated to us).


KISCODEP Smart Kids supplementary education program is designed for students from grades 1 to 12. The program uses technology aided curriculum specific courseware that focuses on self -paced learning and discovery in different subjects such as Math, Science, and English.

We use a 3HT approach (High -Teach, High -Touch, High- Tech) to turn on the H.E.A.T (High order thinking, Engaged learning, Authentic content and Task based learning) to empower students by:

  1. Engaging them in constructive media activities
  2. Facilitating  collaborative curriculum project
  3. Enabling  students to engage in self directed learning

Impact of Training

Many members have come to learn computers and can browse internet and email.
More than 120 youths and other 83 residents of Kibera slums have benefited, some of whom have acquired jobs for livelihood. Others have started their own computer businesses i.e. typing services, around Kibera.
Residents of Kibera have accessed computer services around them without going to town or other places where there are computers services.
Kibera residents have improved in closing the gap of the digital divide, and are able to brave he challenges for meeting the Millennium Development Goals.


Limited capacity to accommodate the demand of computer training. This includes:
Few computers
lack of space due to lack of money to pay rent
Lack of money both to hire computer experts in offering training and to pay for security.

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