Kiscodep and Gennex Elite Partnership
In an effort to “Make A Big Change” and achieve its objectives, KISCODEP partners with the like-minded organizations or persons. At the moment, we are blessed to partner with Gennex Elite Company, a UK company that cherishes our objective by empowering the less fortunate through offering clean and affordable electricity in areas where the electrical grid is nonexistent or unstable like Kibera slums.
GeNNex Elite Elite is responsible for designing, supplying, installing and maintaining micro and mini distributed grid using renewable energy source or hybrid network by reducing your reliance on fossil fuels.
The company will supply solar lantern lamps, solar panels, solar cells, solar power bags at affordable cost to enable even school-going children concentrate with their home-works at home without discrimination. Besides, jobs will be created for the youth, who will not only be sales personnel within the area but also undergoing technical training in assembling the solar products locally.
The products’ quality is beyond reproach; a lantern solar lamp can be charged by solar energy or with a charger connected to electricity. The lamps have a warranty of two years and longevity of five year. Besides, batteries are replaceable. Nathaniel Peat, the CEO and founder of the Gennex Elite company, launched the partnership officially on 25th April 2017 at KISCODEP offices.
After training of the youth in assembling the solar products locally, KISCODEP will buy the unfinished solar products, more, solar lantern lamps, to be assembled locally by Kibera youth and sell to the community in an endeavour to mitigate energy poverty. The overall effect of partnership with GeNNex Company will be improved living standards of the poor and this will be in line with our objectives.