Energy Conservation
The crisis of energy poverty is not uncommon in developing world, Kenya inclusive. This continues to condemn men, women and children, especially those living in the slums; this makes them live in abject poverty because they cannot afford clean and affordable electricity. This is because such areas do not have electrical grid or if they do, they are unstable because of energy corruption.
KISCODEP partners with a UK renewable energy company, Gennex Elite, which is a socially driven company that mainly targets developing world. The company sells to us solar lantern lamps and panels at affordable and discounted cost to enable us sell affordably to the members of the community. This not only eliminate the use of expensive and dangerous fossil energy like paraffin, but also to enable school-going children carry out their studies in conducive environment.
In addition, the project help alleviate the level of unemployment by employing the youth as sales personnel to sell the solar items. The youth are also trained by Gennex Elite Company as technicians to help assemble the solar products locally.